Thursday, January 26, 2017

Digital Blog Post #C - Chapter 3

I have taken many different classes that talk about children in the classroom and about their development, but specifically I have learned a lot about learning theories. I always find myself drawn in when there is mention about learning theories, behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and constructionism. I think there is so much in each individual theory and it seems to blow my mind every time and shows how different everyone is and how we are individuals. From all four of the theories, the one that I don't seem to enjoy all that much would be Behaviorism. For me that seems more like you are training an animals. Rewarding good behavior and punishing for bad behavior. For learning purposes students will stuff their self with information and then regurgitate the information, but not actually learning. I think it is a sad reality, but many classes or learning activities, many students will do this. I know I have fallen victim to this.

Teacher-Centered and Student-Centered learning is really interesting. I think there is an appropriate time for both types of teaching in the classroom. There are times when a teacher needs to lecture to get information across, and other times where you need to let students take on a larger roll in their learning and classroom. With student-center learning "students encounter and work to resolve meaningful questions and puzzles, they incorporate new knowledge and understands into their views and values" (Maloy, p 51)

Active learning or also hands on learning, I think is one of the most beneficial types of learning. When you let students actively participate in learning it helps them become interested and able to retain information better. I also think this is where technology can come in full force. Students can do so much with technology and it is all would be considered active learning.

I have listened to Ken Robinson TED Talks before, and I think he makes valid points about the education system. This TED Talk, he talks about creativity in schools, and if we are killing creativity. As it may not be 100% about the topics we have been discussing in class or in chapter three, I think it has a lot to do with how we teach our students and different types of learning, especially letting students be active learners and taking their learning into their own hands. Overall, his TED Talk makes you think about our education system.

Throughout reading chapter three, I think that I took a focus on looking at where students can be individuals and take learning into their own hands. I hope to be able to incorporate that into my future classroom, and as a teacher take on a role of a supervisor and help guide students in their learning and be there when needed. With the help and growth of technology I think having student-centered learning in classes will be even more beneficial.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

TEDtalksDirector. YouTube. YouTube, 06 Jan. 2007. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. <>.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Digital Blog Post #B- Chapter 2

While reading chapter two there were three concepts that stuck out most to me. The first being barriers faced in the schools. Many schools are able to have access to computers, but they may not be updated computers or they do not have enough for the students. I remember being in high school and the teachers struggling to find a time slot to get into the labs so students could work on projects. I went to a very wealthy public school that had many resources and all types of technology at their fingertips. If the high school I attended struggled for lab time, I cant imagine what an low-income school, who might not have as many resources or no computer labs, would do. We need to bridge that dramatic gap between those schools that have an over access to those with no access.

The second concept was on teachers that use technology. I was shocked to read that that only one in five teachers use technology in their classroom (Maloy et. al,. 2013, p 34). With the amount of technology that that is at our fingertips it does not make sense why so few teachers are using technology in their teaching. Some teachers may choose not to because they believe they have the resources they need, but I think you have to take into consideration what your students needs are. Out side of school their lives revolve around using technology, so we should not limit them in schools. While technology is great for assisting teachers, such as for emails and keeping track of student records, it is useful for so much more. I would love to be able to incorporate technology in almost every teaching moment I have.

Lastly, technology is a great way to engage students. Most students are "glued" to their phones or other devices so why should we take away what they may know? When students feel bored, or detached from class they are not going to learn. Group work is a great way for students to feel more attached. It gives students the ability to talk with their peers and to get up and move. With technology, group work is easier. For examples, students can use Google Docs in the classroom then outside continue to work on a project and their group can participate still. The main reason why students drop out of class is because they feel like they are not feeling engaged enough (Maloy et. al., 2013, p 28). As teachers that is the last thing we want, for students to drop out. We have the resources to make class creative and engaging so we should use it. 

In conclusion, chapter 2 opened my eyes to seeing how technology is being used in the classroom, or lack of use in the classroom. We have to stay in tune of what is changing around us, and to keep our students engaged and interested, especially when they will be entering a world that is technology driven. 


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Rhodes, M (2017, January 19) Blog Post #B. Created with screenshot

T. (2016, March 28). Retrieved January 19, 2017, from

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Blog Post #A- Chapter 1

There are so many concepts from this chapter about technology and the impact they have in the classroom. From reading chapter one I thought the most interesting concept was about the I-Generation. I have volunteered and observed in classrooms and am also a nanny for two girls that would be considered the I-Generation. I see it first hand on a daily bases with them and also children I see in public. Their lives are focused and surrounded with some type of technology from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. It is almost impossible to get my nanny children to do things if it does not have some type of technology associated with it. There are many positive notes with the I-generation. They have incredible technology knowledge, and I am usually taught something new everyday from them. When I am in a rush with the girls and there is still homework or flashcards to do; they are able to do most of it online. The I-generation already knows so much about technology and literally has the world at its finger tips. Technology will continue to increase and so will the knowledge of technology students have. Being a future teacher I will really need to stay on my toes to keep updated on all the new and upcoming technology.

The second concept, Technology-Based Teaching Tool, teachers are able to meet students needs in a variety of ways. I see this being very important tool for special needs students. The talk-to-text or the text-to-talk. Those who may not be able to type or write are still able to achieve that goal with talk-to-text. It is giving them the confidence they need to be successful, and shows them they are capable to doing what their other classmates can do. Wanting to a future special needs teacher technology will be a vital part of my teaching. I have seen from past observation the hurtles children have overcome with the use of technology, and look forward to assisting in the learning process with technology.

I thought this video shows how technology can be useful for those students with special needs and how technology can help assist them in their learning, and also help the teacher with her lessons. Keep in mind this video is from 2008, so technology for students has increased even more.

Lastly, Technology-based Textbook gives students and teachers access to unlimited amounts of information. Also, students are able to pull information from multiple sites on a single topic giving them a vast amount of information. The year after I graduated high school (2012) my high school was able to provide every student with a iPad to do homework on, have their texts book, and for other uses. I was a bit jealous after i heard, It would be been a lot less painful carrying seven textbooks all day. Plus, with textbooks being online, those students who are able to have internet access always will have a text book and able to do their assignments.

In conclusion, chapter one shows us the amount of technology there is at our students fingertips and also at ours. There is a vast amount of technology in our world, and will continue to increase. As future teachers we need to keep up with that growth so our students can learn to their full potential and not be held back.


C. L (October 17, 2008). Technology in Special Education. Retrieved January 12, 2017, From

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.